Unofficial Amazon AWS Glacier Calculator

A single page angular js app for calculating the rates for AWS glacier

View the Project on GitHub liangzan/aws-glacier-calculator


  1. 1 month equals 30 days
  2. Request costs are assumed to be zero
  3. Data transfer rate beyond 350TB is assumed to be the the same as the 350TB tier
  4. You are making a single set of retrieval job requests, evenly spread over the retrieval time

This project is maintained by liangzan

Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by orderedlist

Welcome to the unofficial Amazon AWS Glacier Calculator.

This is a single page javascript app that helps you estimate the cost of AWS glacier. It is not endorsed by Amazon AWS. The rates are referenced from the Glacier pricing page as well as the Glacier FAQ. This page is built with Angular JS and hosted on Github pages.

Should you discover any mistakes, please let me know at @liangzan or my email. Thanks!

Select your region

US East (N. Virginia)
US West (Oregon)
US West (N. California)
EU (Ireland)
EU (Frankfurt)
Asia (Sydney)
Asia (Tokyo)

Storage information

Retrieval information

Early deletion information

Estimated cost breakdown

{{ storageCost | currency }}
{{ retrievalCost | currency }}
{{ deletionCost | currency }}
{{ transferCost | currency }}
{{ totalCost | currency }}